Funny things that happened during this year's 'A' Level exams

Image Credit: MadeByTio

By thin-s-

With the exam season almost concluding, I thought I'd create a compilation citing outright odd/wtf/hilarious moments which transpired during the actual 'A' Levels (these courtesy of close friends' firsthand happenstances) in an attempt to ease the still ever so studious mood prevalent amongst my esteemed peers. Here goes:

1. Some dude who was suffering from food poisoning reverse peristalted everything within him aka puked all over his damn H1 Economics answer booklet.

2. Gal brought along 4 graphic calculators, 4 scientific calculators, helluva lot of batteries plus a screwdriver for both H2 Maths papers.

3. Bloke started laughing away all of a sudden during GP paper 1, his laughter thereafter transitioning to loud moans - suffice to say, his ass got royally tossed out.

4. Someone’s unmuted phone rang by accident during an ongoing exam session, palpably broadcasting Dora the Explorer theme song to all and sundry again and again...and again. Guess what? Said phone belonged to a guy.

5. A candidate legitimately forgot about placing his bag at the side or back of the hall as instructed, having it with him instead throughout the entire sitting - he was called out by an invigilator towards the end. Based on my understanding, he might be slapped with a T(terminated) grade.

6. Guy attempting Chemistry paper 3 just stood up, declaring aloud: “I can’t do this shit!”

7. An innocent bug unfortuitously landed on a female student's desk; she shrieked her head off for a good whole 30 seconds.

8. When you spilled iodine solution during a practical, then unwittingly used your exam script to swab the spillage whilst residing in a state of panic - yup, that's what befell one real unlucky fella.

9. Yet another practical exam brouhaha: Mr Butterfinger knocked over his titration set-up, causing two already filled burettes and a conical flask to shatter. The teacher-in-charge nearly slipped on an acid puddle when she hurried across the laboratory for "Operation Redd Up".

Fact is indeed more loco than fiction yes?


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