Unpleasant experience studying in ITE

By shiningunicorn

Decided to attempt the Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) whilst awaiting the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) Joint Admissions Exercise; truth be told my experience at ITE didn't turn out as good as I hoped it would be.

I managed to befriend some great individuals, then again I have also encountered plenty of hooligans and young punks. These folks were complicit in fostering a thoroughly unpleasant atmosphere on campus as they often went around trying to find fault with others and pick fights for no rhyme or reason.

Having them around scared the shit outta me because they stared daggers at you every now and then, god knows what went on in their minds. These insensitive as heck creatures would also mock me just because I still wore my secondary school uniform to class, imploring me to leave ITE for the PFP pronto.

The lecturers and facilities are amazing though, if only my former secondary school came equipped with such heartware plus hardware perhaps I wouldn't have ended up where I am today.

In the event I do not qualify for the course of my choice as far as the PFP is concerned, I reckon I'd probably withdraw altogether and resit the 'O' Levels instead. Sigh.


A teacher told my son to go to ITE instead of completing his 'O' Levels

There are 3 types of people studying in ITE

Teacher grabbed ITE student by the neck and told him to tuck his shirt in