Effective language learning with fun and joy

By Chinese Author

The effective way to learn language with joy and fun is to 'Learn as you Use and Use as you Learn'(学语言要现学现用才有效也最有满足感。)

Write it down once (then type by pinyin if you can) to learn and absorb naturally-a slow yet very effective way of learning a language, which also happens to be the simplest, painless way of doing things. It's proven to be effective by many, however most people prefer take the easy way out by just reading stuff. To achieve the same effect of writing the word, phrase and sentence once, you may need to read the same material 5 to 10 times so as to more or less retain the Chinese characters within your memory bank, and be able to use them again without much pondering. Unless you are well-trained in mnemonics, you must be a highly gifted person or a prodigy if you could remember without actually writing things down or just by physically typing newly acquired words and phrases in less than 3 iterations. Moreover, you can better recall your unique style of producing various Chinese characters in writing as compared to standard typesetting during revision. So learn as you write and write as you learn, simple as that. That's the trick, also a secret.




Learning Pyramid (学习效果的金字塔)

下图强调有效的学习法—Agastya Approach, 别再老是听和读了,要多动手动口参与和体验,主动和活跃的活动会激活脑部功能,被动的听和读只是在接收,并没有完全动起来,脑部不活跃,学习效果和效率就差。


The Chinese Author is an editor who specializes in publishing Chinese e-books and e-tools. Various learning titles are on sale at Chinese E-books (中文工具書)



